U should ALWAYS check with OUR doctor about what is safe for U....

Though it's usually better to avoid using any drugs — either prescription or over-the-counter — during pregnancy, in some cases the health of the mother has to take precedence over any small risk to the baby. That's the case with bacterial infections that need to be treated with an antibiotic such as penicillin. All the drugs recommended by your physician have been used in pregnancy and are considered safe.

Nonetheless, it may help to ease any lingering fears you have about these drugs if you understand why they're used and what they're used for.

Penicillin — an antibiotic — is used to treat bacterial infections such as pneumonia and sinus infections. Dr. Richard S. Abrams, in his book Will It Hurt the Baby, goes so far as to say, "Penicillins have been used extensively to treat infections during pregnancy. They've not been shown to cause any adverse effects in the fetus and are considered safe for use throughout pregnancy." Since your doctor diagnosed you with a bacterial infection, there's no other way to treat it than with an antibiotic.

Guaifenesin is a common ingredient in many over-the-counter cough and cold preparations. It works, theoretically, by thinning mucus secretions in the respiratory passages, making it easier to bring them up. If you'd rather not use this drug, cool mist or steam should provide some assistance in loosening the secretions.

Acetaminophen is a pain reliever and fever reducer. Though it does cross the placenta, there have been no reports of fetal harm, and it's considered perfectly safe to use during pregnancy. If you'd like to forgo using this drug, a warm bath may relieve aches and pains. If you're running a fever, dress lightly and be sure to drink plenty of fluids. For a very high fever, it's better to try to bring it down with acetaminophen or a cool bath. If your fever climbs to 102 degrees Fahrenheit, call your doctor.
Pain ( headache, backache) Tylenol, Increase your water intake
Upper Respiratory Symptoms (cold, cough, sinus) Tylenol sinus, Chlor-Trimton, Actifed, Benadryl, Robitussin
Sore Throat Any throat lozenges or sprays are OK, Gargle wth warm salt water
Heartburn and Indigestion Tums, Rolaids, Maalox, Mylanta, Zantac, Pepcid, Tagament, Riopan
Yeast infection First trimester--- see your OB Provider
Second & Third trimester---- you can use over the counter cream
Constipation Colace, Pericolace, Metamucil wafers, Citrucel, Fiberson, Increase water intake
Hemorrhoids Anuson-HC cream, Preparation H, Tucks pads
Nausea and Vomiting Vitamin B6 and Unisom, Emetrol
Diarrhea Kaopectate or Imodium